May 2018 Archives

Sun Safety

Being outdoors is a great way for campers and camp counselors to exercise and enjoy all that nature has to offer.  However, being in the sun can lead to painful sunburns that can cause permanent damage to the skin and body, including melanoma.  To avoid your campers and camp staff from getting sunburned, advise them of all the precautions that need to be taken to prevent excruciating, uncomfortable sunburns:

  • Put sunscreen on at least 30 minutes prior to sun exposure
  • Be liberal with the amount of sunscreen you put on
  • Sunscreen should have a minimum of SPF 30 or 45
  • Wear hats and UV protected sunglasses
  • Reapply sunscreen at least every 2 hours 

For more detailed information on sun safety, read this article from The American Cancer Society.

Tips to Keep Campers Hydrated

According to the American Heart Association, staying hydrated is critical to your heart health and body function. As a camp director, you know that a long day of activities can easily lead to dehydration and a sick camper- which nobody wants!

Here are some tips to keep your campers hydrated:
1. Make sure they bring a reusable water bottle to camp. Reusable water bottles are a great item for any camper; they are easy to refill and are eco-friendly. Campers will be able to keep it with them for the whole duration of camp, and will be more likely to finish the water since they cant throw it away.
2. Have scheduled water breaks. It can be easy to forget to drink water when you're having a blast at camp. Scheduled water breaks can ensure that campers, and staff, are staying hydrated.
3. Make sure water is easily accessible. Be sure that if kids are thirsty or need to refill their water bottles that there are multiple places to re-hydrate. When you're away from a camp site, make a plan and be aware of where the nearest place is to get water- you might even want to bring your own cooler to be safe.
4. Keep coconut water on hand. In case a camper forgets to drink enough water, make sure to keep coconut water on hand. Coconut water is full of important electrolytes and nutrients that keep the body hydrated.
How much water should campers drink?
According to the American Heart Association, the amount of water a camper will need depends on weather and activity level. A general rule is that you should drink half of your body weight in ounces, however, when the weather is hot or your activity level is high it is advisable that you drink more.
So drink up, stay safe, and enjoy camp!
See the American Heart Association's "Staying Hydrated, Staying Healthy" for more advice.

Preparing Camp Staff for the Summer

Training your camp staff is one of the most important things you do as a camp director. Start preparing for your training sessions now by establishing your goals and sharing them with your staff members.

Before staff training begins, sit down with your leadership team and determine your goals for camp and, specifically, for training. This can be done by writing ideas on Post-it Notes and narrowing them down together to a handful of goals that cover all that's important to your camp.

Click to read more from Camp Hacker about camp staff training