Time to Tell Us What You Think!

Attention camp directors! There's still time to complete our MySummerCamps / KidsCamps User Feedback Survey. Your responses are 100% anonymous and will help us improve our offerings and better serve the camp community.

BONUS: Write a testimonial we can share with the camp community and you'll receive a FREE signature camp tote!

This month, we're giving away a Halloween-themed kids & family DVD prize package to one lucky survey taker. (If you already took the survey, you're automatically entered!)

Take the survey today!

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by KidsCamps Editor published on October 4, 2011 11:00 AM.

Why You Need to Advertise Your Camp Online was the previous entry in this blog.

American Camp Association Wins Prudential Leadership Award is the next entry in this blog.

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