How Do You Promote Effective Learning Environments? Get Energized!

How Do You Promote Effective Learning Environments? Get Energized!

Dr. Ernie Mendes, a keynote speaker at the University of WAIC, was one of the first to do a doctoral study on Emotional Intelligence (E.I) and his book "Empty the Cup... Before You Fill it Up" is a best seller with practical activities to build effective relationships at work and the classroom using E.I. theory and neuroscience.

Empty the Cup... Before You Fill it Up has 100 practical ideas, exercises, and action steps to create more mental space for learning, bring the human connection into meetings, build community, and coach participants to communicate more effectively. 

Emptying the Cup creates space for communication, learning and attention and Chapter 12 is dedicated to the 10 energizers that will revitalize any group, at any time.

Buy the book on Amazon now.



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This page contains a single entry by KidsCamps Editor published on December 8, 2011 10:54 AM.

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A Visual Feast: The Keys to Effective Summer Camp Photos and Logos is the next entry in this blog.

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