Don't Forget Winter Camp for Your Kids

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Kids love summer. They wait all year for their long, two-month break from classes and homework. But summer isn't their only chance for an exciting and fun camping experience. Winter - also known as summer's little sister - gives kids the same opportunity to get away from an ordinary routine and have new adventures.

It's easy to overlook winter. Kids and teens don't get a months-long break, ost winter camps don't offer the same sleepaway experience as their summer counterparts. But instead of keeping your kids inside and teaching them the fine art of shoveling snow, you have the chance to give them a memorable winter.

Unfortunately for parents, work doesn't stop over the winter. As a result, unattended kids can get lonely or bored over winter break. Winter break can last up to three weeks, and this is a lot of time for you to be responsible for all your kid's daily activities. Winters camps let them socialize and stay active during this time, and it's safer for your kids to be supervised by counselors and other adults.

Winter camps don't have to be a downgraded experience either. For example, Camp Live Oak in Broward County, Florida, offers the full slate of things to do: sports, arts & crafts, archery, and fishing.

For those in chillier climates, winter camps have tons of engaging indoor activities.  Second City in Los Angeles, Chicago, and Toronto offers improve and comedy camps during the winter. Tech and science camps are still available over the winter, and the same is true for many other themed camps.

From museum camps to arts to sports, there's a winter camp for your kid. But time is running out. Winter is on its way.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by KidsCamps Admin published on November 13, 2018 11:50 AM.

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4 Surefire Signs Your Kid is Ready for Overnight Camp is the next entry in this blog.

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